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Young Adult Media

Written by: Zainab A.

Cover Design by: Kirthana K.

What is YA Media?

YA, or Young Adult, Media is designed for the teen audience. It tackles a variety of areas of interest, including TV shows, books, etc. Most kids start moving onto YA media around the age of 12, or sixth grade. Recently, on the other end of the “age spectrum,” Adults have continued to watch or read YA media even after “growing out of it.” However, what exactly does YA Media mean content-wise?

The Genre

The YA genre, based on what the current YA generation is “into,” includes shows like Riverdale, Gossip Girl, and movies like The Kissing Booth. Some popular YA books include The Hate U Give, Six of Crows, and From Blood and Ash.

Platforms like Netflix, Youtube, and TikTok have increased the popularity of a variety of shows and books as well. For example, TikTok’s “BookTok” community has become a popular area of TikTok where people share and discuss books. Its quick rise to fame in the book community has even garnered it its own spot in many Barnes & Nobles bookstores.

Streaming services have greatly increased YA availability with its audience. As stated, Netflix plays a huge role. With a great variety of shows and movies available and the platform, a number that continues to grow every day, the YA content is quite expansive. New programs are being added and created daily, and more often than not, they target the teen, or young adult, demographic.

The genre itself consists of various sub-genres. The term “trope” has become a popular way to label these sub-genres. Various tropes, such as “hurt/comfort” or “slow burn,” have not only become ways to label books or shows, but also fan-made media (which is entirely a different story).

Teen Portrayal

Often, YA media places teens in their respective stories in difficult situations. Most of the time, you’ll find a 15-16-year-old with a group of friends working to save the world from a villain, usually an adult. While these stories are entertaining and show the young characters committing great feats, it often reflects on the teens of today.

You read about a 15-year-old joining the military or leading a rebellion against some other-worldly power, and wonder why the teens of today aren’t even remotely capable of something like that. Of course, maybe people brush those thoughts off since such fantasy situations are just that- fantasy.

However, what about the teens in more realistic circumstances? For example, in Riverdale, which was a very popular show when it first came out in 2017, has high school sophomores starring as the main roles. It can be said, with good confidence, that no normal 16-year-old is going to solve a mysterious murder case.

Except this isn’t just about being an incredible detective, this is about so much more. Riverdale and many, many, other shows constantly show teens swearing, doing drugs, illegally drinking, and ignoring their education. While there will always be teens who participate in these activities, parents assume it’s every teen. Not only that but, by the end of their high school careers, these characters are seen going to the top school in the country. This adds to the falsified teen image.

The Impact & The Reality

YA shows constantly feature parties, drugs, and dangerous activities. YA books set up unrealistic, and often toxic, expectations for relationships with family, friends, and potential significant others. No, doing drugs isn’t okay just because everyone does them, and no, someone getting angry and aggressive with you isn’t because they don’t know how to show their love properly.

Everyone understands that the things shown in the media are just stories from a fictional world, however, there will always be an impact. It’s important to be aware of what is good and what is right. YA media is certainly entertaining, it properly meshes youth and naivety with the true dark and difficult nature of this world. It’s a wonderful escape from reality that allows watchers, listeners, and readers to take a break.

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