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How do Neurological Disorders impact children today?

Article Written by: Zainab Anwar

Cover Design by: Kirthana Karunanithi

In basic terms, a neurological disorder means that there is a dysfunction in the brain or nervous system that can impact both the physical and psychological aspects of a person. More specifically, neurological disorders can impact a person's behavior, communication, movement, senses, et cetera. There is a vast amount of NDs, ranging from mild to severe, with various combinations of symptoms or impacts. There are numerous causes for NDs and they are many times difficult to detect until a person is much older.

Neurological Disorders are very diverse. Well-known disorders such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper-Active Disorder) or ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) impact children’s attention spans, ability to control impulsive actions, and can make kids extremely active. They, and similar neurological disorders, often cause children to miss developmental milestones that impede their education. Unless they are provided for accordingly, learning can be very difficult for them and they lose the opportunity for a proper education. Some conditions can impact mobility. For example, symptoms of Cerebral Palsy, caused by abnormal brain development, include stiff muscles and involuntary movements. Children with Cerebral Palsy are unable to participate in activities like school sports that would otherwise create key memories for them.

Many children, and adults, also face discrimination or mistreatment due to their disorders. The stigma around neurological disorders makes many people look down on those who struggle with neurological disorders. Lack of information, misunderstandings, stereotypes, and inaccurate representation in media are often the reasons for the stigma. Furthermore, the “social stigma” leads to internalized feelings of hate and doubt that can shatter a person's mental health and self-confidence. Society believes that children are immature and do not understand the world around them, but kids are far more perceptive to emotions than most people realize.

Neurological disorders impact every aspect of the lives of those diagnosed with them. They impact the lives of loved ones, friends, and communities. The struggles and internal battles are fought from a young age and are far more difficult than anyone can imagine. Neurological disorders are far more than just a medical diagnosis.


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